lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

I remember two of my Independence holidays as the best, but one of them was in Peru (who were like any other vacations) so I’m going to talk about the other one.
Last year I stayed on Santiago and I organized with my friends a popular fonda, especially dedicated for kids, but with a lot of families invited. We played games with the little ones, like sack race, miracle fishing, and bowling. We also had food stands, and we made kites.  At the end a professional group came and danced cueca. I really enjoy that afternoon, because we saw people having fun and it was a warm and beautiful day. It was great the fact that we had organized all that and it came out so good.
Later that day, a friend of mine invited all of us who had been in the fonda, to her house to celebrate the holidays. We brought the meat left (which was fine, but really I don’t eat much meat) and we make pebre and piscolas. She had at that time a lovely house in Lo Cañas, in La Florida, with a really large backyard, so we soon start dancing. At the late night more and more people came, so we end up being 60 people or more. It was such a fun day; we danced until 6 or 7 in the morning!
I went home at that hour, ate with my family, and moved quickly to another popular fonda we had organized. This one didn’t come so good, because we were all so tired haha. Later that day, after a few Terremotos (or Earthquakes?) we went back to my friend’s house so we could keep dancing. The entire week passed a little like that, but it’s too much to tell…

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

I’ m going to talk about my sister, Catalina, because she is one of my favorites persons. She isn’t just my sister, she is a good friend. She’s sixteen, so that’s how long we’ve met.
She is younger, and of course we don’t do everything together. She has her friends and I have mine. But we talk about a lot of stuffs, we share our personal lives. It’s nice to have someone to talk to at the end of the day; when I’m tired, angry or disappointed from my own friends, I always can talk to her and we end up laughing. We also share good news, our joys and fine days. She is a great company.
The truth is that I don’t see her as much as I want to, because we are both very busy. She likes history, so she does research at school. She is very smart. She is also very pretty, so she is always suffering from love, but because she has too many options! Ha-ha –ha.
Anyway, when we finally get together (at weekends usually) we have a lot of fun. This Saturday we saw a movie called “Libertarias”.  Other times we have a drink, go to walk, or just chat.
The best part of our relationship is that we’ve lived so many things together. For all this years she’s been my partner on family meetings, trips, and weekends. I really love my sister! J

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

I started this year with a lot of expectation, because people’ve been talking a lot about it. But nothing special’s happened to me, of course. Anyway, it’s been a good year. I started learning new things at college, like Psychoanalysis. I also took Afro dance lessons, which I’ve been doing since last year.  On my winter vacations I went backpacking whit friends to a quiet and beautiful place, called “Budi Lake”, in the south. I met a lot of people, and almost everybody were Mapuche. Also, since 2011 I’m on a political and social movement, which brings together a lot of homeless people (people who live whit relatives because they don’t have a chance to buy their own), who’ve been organizing since 2006 to fight for better living conditions. They have a lot of work in Peñalolén, where the real estate business grows up but nothing gets better for most of the people who work and live there. I work with them and I amaze every day to see how organization, cooperation and fight are the best way to stop the abuse and unfairness in this country.