I found a news about education. Which is the area I’d like to work on the future.
The news tells about the first annual report published by the chief inspector of Ofsted, Sir Michael Wilshaw, about schools of England. Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) is an entity which inspects and regulate services which care for children, and those who provide education and different skills. It reports directly to the Parliament.
The inspector made a regime of inspections, spanning 24,500 separate visits over the past 12 months. The results say that after overall results are better, but the difference between areas is worrying. These meaning depending on where you live, is the education you get.
The news announced that Ofsted plans to implement a table that will rank local authorities according to the ratings of their schools. Below, Wislhaw says that he thinks leadership is the key to improve the standards.
I think is interesting knowing that England also suffers from differences between schools. Sometimes we look up to Europe but really don’t know how things work. This news really make me curious, I started wondering stuffs more than finding answers. The news is really superficial, that is something that also happens in Chile and I don’t like. Also I found interesting what chief says: is making a table really a solution to reduce the gap? Is leadership the answer?
This debate is pertinent for both Chilean people and England.